Sports Turf management programs have grown out of the Sanctuary work on USGA greens.
In short, a sand based field can be compared to a golf green. This playing surface is well drained, provides a root zone to grow the turf but lack a sustainable nutrient reserve system when under stress. This stress can be weather, disease or event related.
The Sanctuary organic products help to bridge these nutrient and microbial deficiencies. The Sanctuary combines the benefits of complexed organic nutrients for nutrient management with high energy ingredients to build and stimulate native soil microbes. The winning combination of ingredients translated into excellent all season products for sports turf management.

Over the past several years, the Sanctuary can be found on baseball, lacrosse, football and soccer fields across the US.
This includes Little League to Major League field. The Sanctuary offers products for general maintenance to new construction. During this tenure, the Sanctuary has been committed to products and programs to improve sports turf playability while addressing the growing number of environmental concerns.
In this section, you will be provided with an excellent overview of ways to improve your turf quality using environmental friendly sustainable products.
The Sanctuary products are proven, WINNING products that meet the highest turf quality expectations.
In fact, the Sanctuary products are used on several professional sports fields for their performance and overall turf quality. The Sanctuary provides some of the best nutrient management products to improve turf quality and soil health. Plus, did we mention that these are organic and biological solutions to many common turf problems?
By “Going Sanctuary Green and Working With Mother Nature,” our products and method will translate into outstanding more resilient turf that is less prone to problems.